Monday, January 11, 2010


So I am at a blogging crossroad. (Does this make anyone else think of that Boyz to Men song????) I have no direction and no motivation to write but yet I am constantly thinking of all sorts of things to chat about to the cyberworld. However none of these things goes in any form of a straight line. The only common denominator is me.

So do I throw in the towel? Accept blogger defeat? Or do I rally and go for it, whatever it may be.

I don't know why I am asking y'all. I think the only one who was still checking my slacker blog was my dad and even he gave up long ago.

I think I'll give it another go. No theme, no direction just random ramblings about whatever pops into my mind. So here we go again.....


Michelle said...

Make a commitment to do it. Subscribe to feedburner, subscribe to stat counter and know who is reading. And then get out there. Read blogs & comment on them, a lot. Give it 6 months of serious writing, serious content and see where you're at. After that if you decide to quit, so be it. There is something here Jack, but you have to sort it out so even strangers want to care about what is happening with you as much as your friends do.

Jackie said...

You are too good to me.

Grace said...

First of all you TYPED y'all, you have not been in kentucky that long. I have been in tennessee for just over 2.5 years and have NEVER said y'all. Secondly, Bone thugs in harmony sang "see you at the crossroads, so you won't be lonely" is that the song your thinking of? Thirdly, I will follow your blog, no worries on that. If you need topics just think of some of the bizarre happenings from our road trips/vacations. Keep up the writing minus the y'all