Thursday, January 14, 2010


Am I the only one that realizes at the end of the year that they did not use any of their vacation time???? I think it's an epidemic in this country and I am guilty as charged. It is a shame too since other countries around the world mandate (which means it is illegal not to take it!) vacation time. Some places it is a whole month!
So I allegedly get 3 weeks of vacation a year. Never have I taken all 3 weeks and only once did I take 2 weeks when that was what I earned. This past year I maybe took a total of 7 days and that's stretching it considering all the weekends I worked.
In my delirium of vacation deprivation we (Marvin & I) made some grand plans to use up all that leftover time. We are going on a Perry family vacation in June to Myrtle Beach which I am super psyched about. And then we had grand plans of taking our 3 weeks to Italy in July. Drink wine, eat amazing food and basically immerse ourselves in all the delicious Italian culture we can get our hands on.
But alas too good to be true. Now the Perry vacation is booked so that is all good. However through the convoluted grapevine that is the company I work for we have been alerted to the fact that we may have to immediately leave Kentucky for another assignment which would not allow us the leeway to take 3 weeks off. But the best part is that we will not know for sure until basically we are on the moving truck heading to the next big thing.
So I am frustrated and in desperate need of a relaxing adult time-out.
Sounds like y'all are saying "hey maybe you should get rid of that crazy job of yours and find something you enjoy doing." Well you would be right. But given the current economic times (insert broken record sound) can I really be leaning away from a good paycheck?
So that was my day of worry. Not solved through blog venting but it always helps me to see it in black and white (or I guess in my case black on red).
Maybe I'll lobby Congress and see about getting legally mandated vacation days and while I'm at it afternoon siestas!
Another day, another time folks....


Michelle said...

Oh you are going to need to email me. What the heck?!?! Does this mean we're going to need to come visit sooner than later?

Grace said...

Um, you said y'all AGAIN, Jack seriously. Your job is crazy and I am sorry for that. And because your job is crazy, I am sure that it makes vacations difficult. But starting a new job is going to mean that you need to build up new vacation time. Its really going to suck to pack that house up, even though movers do it, and move so quickly. I'll cross my fingers for you.